Using a pendulum is a simple way to clarify messages from intuition or inspiration. With its minimal construction of a weight, or bob, allowed to swing freely from a piece of cord or chain, it gives us a visual understanding of the subtle energies that influence us. When we ask a question using the pendulum, we may receive answers from our own intuition or from our spirit guides or angels. The process, known as "dowsing" or "divining," is also useful to check our energy centers or even to find lost articles. Whether it is our energy or the whispers of our guides creating the motion, the pendulum helps us better understand the secret language of spirit. Your pendulum can be anything that feels right to you: a crystal pendant, wood or metal ornaments, a seashell, an item with sentimental value, or even an acorn on a string. The key is that it must be balanced so it can swing freely. Before and after each session, you may want to purify your pendulum, perhaps by using salt water or burning sage or incense. Focus on becoming still and choose who you would like to answer your questions, your higher self or your spirit guides or guardian angels. By asking questions whose answers you already know and watching the corresponding movements, you can learn what "yes" and "no" look like. Your pendulum may move forward and back for "yes" and side-to-side for "no," or perhaps a variety of circular motions will be your indicators. For some people, movement comes easily as they are more in tune with working with energy, but do not give up if you do not get movement right away. Determining a neutral state, which may be stillness or another distinct motion, can help avoid confusion as well. Once you are familiar with your pendulum, you can use it to check the energy of a room, or use a pendulum over your chakras to see if they are blocked or open. When we make a practice of listening to our spiritual guidance, we find it more accessible to us in general. The use of a tool like the pendulum can only help us gain mastery in this understanding, allowing us to transform our lives into playgrounds for manifesting our gifts and dreams.
Rippling and Tipping
BY MADISYN TAYLOR A snowball at the top of a mountain has the potential to become huge, just by rolling down the mountain and gathering more snow. In a short time, this tiny snowball can become a force to be reckoned with. We humans are like this when it comes to exchanging energy and vision, and no matter how few people are involved at the beginning, there is the potential for massive change. As consciousness seekers, we are in the midst of this process, and it is amazing to see people we thought might never come around, waking up to their truth. Each time we see this, we can count ourselves blessed to be living at a time when the awareness of humanity seems to be at a tipping point, as more and more individuals open their minds and change their ways. For some people, this revolves around an awareness of the environment, for others it is a spiritual awakening, and for many it is both. A great change in consciousness is sweeping through us all, as we recognize that things are not what they have seemed to be, that there is more to our lives than meets the eye. Many of us have the awareness and the energy at this time to break through old, outmoded ways of seeing things and to move into a new way of being in the world, and it is essential that we do so. The beauty of living at this time is that even small actions have a powerful ripple effect, and the reverberations of what we do have the power to reach and open many minds. It is as if a scale is about to tip in favor of higher consciousness, and each one of us has the power to bring humanity closer to that point with the smallest of actions. Each time we move in the direction of our dreams and visions, we can visualize another small pebble dropping into the pond, or another gold weight on the scale, rippling and tipping our way to universal awakening. Repost - by Madisyn Taylor
Things happen in our lives for a reason, even if that reason is not clear to you right away! When events appear to fit together perfectly in our lives it may seem at first that they are random occurrences, things that are the result of coincidence. These synchronous happenings, though, are much more than that, for, if we look at them more closely they can show us that the universe is listening to us and gently communicating with us. Learning to pay attention to and link the things that occur on a daily basis can be a way for us to become more attuned to the fact that most everything happens in our lives for a reason even when that reason is not clear right away. When we realize that things often go more smoothly than we can ever imagine, it allows us to take the time to reflect on the patterns in our lives. Even events that might not at first seem to be related to each other are indicators that the universe is working with, not against, us. This idea of synchronicity, then, means that we have to trust there is more to our lives than what we experience on a physical level. We need to be willing to look more closely at the bigger picture, accepting and having confidence in the fact that there is more to our experiences than immediately meets the eye. Being open to synchronicity also means that we have to understand that our lives are filled with both positive and negative events. Once we can recognize that one event is neither more desirable nor better than the other they all have an overall purpose in our lives -- then we are truly ready to listen to the messages the universe gives us. While we may not be able to see everything in our lives as being synchronous, we can certainly use hindsight to be more aware of how the universe guides us. This sense of wonder at the mysteries of the universe and the interconnectedness present in our lives will help us see our overall ways of being and will in turn make it easier to work more consciously towards our spiritual evolution. Repost - by Zane Baker
Crystals are known for their super powers but with the wide variety of crystals, it can be hard to know where start. 1. Clear Quartz: This crystal is my go to one for amplification and cleansing. This crystal get’s the number one position on today’s list because of it’s versatility! This transmitting crystal is known for directing and amplifying energy. It’s also a great stone to use with other crystals as it strengthens and amplifies the energies of other stones. On its own, it brings pure white light energy from the Divine to help you with any situation; this pure light energy has amazing healing qualities that can be used to heal the mind, body and spirit. This crystal is connected to your crown chakra, so this makes it the best stone to use to cleanse the crown chakra. So, whenever in doubt, always go with a clear quartz. 2. Amethyst: This one is my go to crystal for Divine connection, purification, and protection. This purple stone varies in color from shades of pale lavender to dark violet. Amethyst are great during spiritual development times as it enhances connection with the Devine and strengthens psychic abilities. It also is a protection stone, making both beginners and advanced crystal workers favor the amethyst. It’s connected to the third eye chakra, so this makes it the best stone to use to cleanse and enhance the third eye chakra. Amethyst has high vibrational energies that aid in healing the body from the day to day stresses. It also is a great stone to boost the immune systems and reduce pain. 3. Blue Calcite: This slightly translucent bluish stone is one of my absolute favorites for so many reasons. It’s the perfect stone for enhancing memory and brain power. It helps in increasing mental sharpness and boost intuitive abilities. It’s connected to the Throat Chakra. So if you feel tongue-tied for whatever reason and need some help with open and calm communication then use the aid of Blue Calcite. It amplifies the energy in the Throat Chakra, allowing clear communication, especially during difficult times with differing or opposing points of view. It’s also a great transition and changes stone so make sure you have your hand on this blue stone to keep an optimistic point of view while transitioning. 4. Rose Quartz: They call this stone the LOVE stone! I love this stone, and it has a special place in my heart as it’s my secondary birthstone, but that’s not the only reason! This crystal holds powerful energies that aid in emotional healing, strengthening love and compassion towards yourself and others, and cultivating an attitude of gratitude towards life in general. This pale pink crystal is connected to the heart chakra, making it the perfect stone to cleanse and strengthen the heart chakra. So, if you have any heart problems physically or emotionally, then just hold this stone close to your heart and let the stone do its magic. 5. Citrine: I call this crystal “My Portable Sun” or “My Sun In A Pocket” crystal because Citrine carries within it the sun energies of warmth, joy, happiness, abundance, strength, and confidence. This slightly yellowish crystal is connected to your 3rd chakra, also known as the solar plexus chakra. Your 3rd chakra corresponds to the sun and its solar power so having a Citrine crystal near or on you will ensure that your solar plexus chakra is always energized and ready! Did you know that If any of your other chakras are compromised, the solar plexus chakra will substitute with it’s own energy the deficiency in that given chakra? So, always make sure your solar plexus is fully charged with Citrine. And if you’re having one of these days where everything seems to be a doom and gloom, then just hold this powerful crystal and let the power of the sun brighten your day! 6. Carnelian: This is a great stone for prosperity, motivation, and protection. Carnelian aids in attracting prosperity, new resources, and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any business or new venture. At the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, motivation, and determination. This fiery orange-red stone creates a powerful energetic protection aura to shield you, your home and loved ones from negativity. This stone is connected to the sacral chakras which make it the ultimate stone to revving up and healing any issues related to the sacral chakra. For those who are experiencing a sexual lull or infertility issues, make sure to use Carnelian as it helped the sacral chakra to tune up and heal. 7. Hematite: This black stone is my all time favorite for protection because of its reflective surface. It can deflect and repel any negative energy sent its way. So make sure to have this stone on you at all times! This stone is connected to our root chakra which makes its a great grounding stone for when you feel disconnected from your body or your roots. In conclusion, crystals are an easy and natural way to tune up ourselves mentally, physically and emotionally. |
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